C.J.Baker Logo
My IT Background
  Type of Experince
QuickPro Administrative Services   Web Production Assistant   I''ve created several company websites. Update and maintain web site. I created pages for Boonsby.com for Vanderberg and Associates when the web site was up and running. I use Photoshop,Dreamweaver, and Excel on a regular basis.
    Computer Installer   A+ certified. Setup and configured office equipment. Backup hard drives. Changes Ink cartridges. On call to resolve error messages. Installed and configured office equipment.
    Computer Operator   Back up hard drives on a regular basis. On call to resolve error messages. Reseach error messages. Maintain trouble logs. Maintain inventory of expendable supplies.


About Me

Web Production Assistant Resume

Computer Operator Resume

Computer Installer Resume




Last Modified:

02/07/2008 Home About Me QuickPro Administrative Services E-mail Links